Post zur aktuellen Situation in Zimbabwe 


Dear Gerda and Ralph,

How are you? We are all fine, the children are happy. It has been so long since we last communicate.

Currently it is quiet in the country as there are no protesting taking place now as the government has banned all the demonstrations. But this did not necessarily mean things are fine, instead the situation is even worse now as those very few ones who are on formal employment are not able to get their salaries in time, some are two, three or four months behind, while others can go for sometime without getting any salaries. As for the cash shortage is even worse now, people are encouraged to use plastic money like credits cards or transferring from one account to another. which is very difficult as majority are not in formal employment, they are vendors and they do not have bank accounts.

This automatically means the poverty is really increasing in this country which is very pathetic and there is no hope for any charge any time soon, and also with the rumour which is circulating about the introduction of bond notes which are similar to the 2007 – 2008 bearer cheques, it is even worse as people are panicking about going back to that very bad experience of having no goods in shops, as this kind of money is not accepted in the neighbouring countries where all the goods consumed here are from, as we no longer have any industries.

This also causes many drop out of children from schools as parents can not afford to pay for the school fees especially in rural areas. With us here we are very luck to have people like you who always work very hard for our wellbeing. And the positive support you and your friends are giving us sees children here always happy and able to go to school with hardly any local contribution.

As for the borehole Mr. West promised to come and blast that dry hole as we believe that there is a hard rock and we hope to get more water after the blasting we are still waiting for them and Mr. Werner.

With this situation here we hardly get any local donations towards the upkeep of these vulnerable children we heavily relay on the donations you are getting from kind people like you. We really appreciate all these especially during these hardships.

We thank you very much for all you are always doing for us.

Kind regards
